Celebrate the release of Issue #7: The Future at Park Jamz ’13!

static zine park jamz poster

Poster by Aimee Laurel


Join us as we celebrate the release of Issue #7: The Future at Christie Pits Park on June 16!

Kicking off at 2:30, there will be cupcakes, music and readings. Zines are free!

Bring yr blankets and picnic foods; get cozy! We’ll likely take up a spot near the top of the hill by Bloor and Christie, but we’ll update our Facebook event / Twitter if anything changes.

Set times:

Music by Pat LePoidevin @ 3
Reading by Sarah Pinder  @ 3:30
Music by Patti Cake @ 3:45
Reading by Jessica Westhead @ 4:15
Reading by Misha Bower @ 4:30
Music by Eons @ 4:45

We’re so excited to share our issue all about what the future will be like with you.

PS: This is our two year issue anniversary — Issue #1 kicked off right in the same spot two Junes ago!